

My sister and me

Last saturday I had the pleasure to meet my sister Stella (=star).
This is about what we did;

Every now and then a short rest.

My non-hairy brothers thought we'd better calm down.

So I tried the bed my friends offered.

But not for too long.
You get tired from resting.

Then this fellow decided he had enough.
Just because one of us accidentally touch him while he was sleeping.
As if we did it on purpose...
I'd say!


Some pics

of what I have been up to since I came here;

Playing with strange unanimated types that lives in my brothers room.

This I swear I didn't do...I slept all the time family where out.

Getting used to the transport thing.

Helping mum cleaning.

Doing yoga

Foot massage.


Well this was about my first weeks in my new home.


My new home

Allow me to start from the very beginning:
I was picked up at bearly two and a half months old in the place where my four/legged mother and sister lives. Far out in the country.
My two-legged brothers seamed to be rather pleased with putting me in a dark box in a noisy place.
All alone.
I threw up all my stomach contents after trying to be heard by my new friends.
 When they finally remembered my existens they introduced me at my new home where I found this lovely carpet.
They however made this fluffy, white dream disappear after me accidenttaly letting go on it.
Beats me how they want me getting used to this place with out leaving my signs...
We will see...