
About me

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce myself.
I am an english dog.
A Welsh Corgi Pembroke, to be exact.
Although I was born in Italy, where I live with my two- legged mum, dad and, not so hairy, brothers.
My name is Wish.
And that stands for what I really am.
A longing for something soft, warm, loving and fun like me.
A desire that my new family had for a long time.
My dad waited the most.
From his early childhood, I've heard...and his not exactly 25 years old.
If you know what I mean...

I started this blog to tell you the story of my life in the town of Rome.
Of course my mum is giving me a hand...sorry!... paw in this.
I cannot guarantee frequent updates as she seems to be rather slow.
I love my mummy but she's all but fast.
That I have seen with my very eyes in the park.
She just doesn't know at all what running means.
Please do bear with her!
Hope you will enjoy travelling with me.


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